
Hi-ya, Lynn Yuhr here! After decades of being way too rigid, I am finally listening to the sage advice of my mother “never take yourself too seriously”. As a result, I have become an enthusiastic supporter of having fun, letting go of expectations and allowing my hands to busy themselves with various artistic ventures! So why the blog, you ask? Well, I have beat the inner critic into submission (for the time being) and found that every time I share one of my passions, I learn, and usually lots! Join me, as I share inspiration, projects, musings and tutorials. On what, you ask? Well . . .  I will try anything at least once, and buy all the tools and supplies to do it. But right now the focus is polymer clay, wire working, book making, art journaling, sketching and traveling. I use the word focus loosely because I am typically leaping from project to project, hence the flying squirrel. Who knows what will happen next?

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29 Responses to About

  1. Terrry Carley says:

    Hi, Lynn – I am trying to reach you about your last email to me about the lovely pieces I asked aboout buying – I want them all – can we do another layaway? I do so love your work. I am sorry I have been so long in answering your email to me about them but I have been having terrrible email problems – oh please say you still have them and I may buy them!!!!! And that you will make the bracelet and or pendant!!!!

    How is the Karst? I love geology and rocks and stones and strata and stratum and sediment and good brown dark rich dirt – a bit out of your field. But related, right? And gem stones and how they form. I love it all. One of my goals in life is to see Bryce Canyon but I understand it is a long hike – oh and how did Ayer’s Rock get in the middle of nowhere Australia? Sigh. What fun you must have had in Vietnam – I hope so anyway. Those cypress knee-like karst coming out of the rivers they always photograph in foggy weather must be ethereal or formidable when seen while you are floating down the river – please write back and tell me about it!

    Best wishes,
    Terrry Carley


  2. Hope Hunt says:

    Hello, in looking at your site, you say you to check out your classes at the upcoming bead show. I am so new to this medium that I do not know your name and so am unable to see which classes you teach. Could you tell me who you are?


  3. Beth says:

    Hi Lynn,
    Congratulations on your teaching schedule! I’ll be traveling to the Bead & Button show in June and would love the opportunity to catch up. If you’re free, let’s grab a beverage or a bite after your Thursday class. Hugs, Beth


  4. Lynn Gonen says:

    Hi Lynn
    I can’t get to any of your classes since I live in Israel. But I was wondering if you have an online tutorial of your Picasso Inspired Faces for sale.
    Lynn Gonen


    • Hi Lynn! Unfortunately no tutorials yet!! I have been thinking about how to put them together though and they are in my longer term plans. Stay tuned!


      • Shanna Maclay says:

        Hello, I just have to Second that request about the Picasso inspired tutorial, I have just spent a couple hours trying to find a similar looking tutorial and nothing comes close (that I can find), they are just a show stopper, so gorgeous. I will be looking forward while probably creating a lot of scrap clay trying to get to something similar.
        Thank you


      • Thank you so much Shanna! Okay, getting tutorials done just jumped a few spots on the To-Do list!!


  5. ddc says:

    How can i buy one of those fabulous polymer fish pendants?


  6. Gaye Hurst says:

    Do you offer paid online tutorials for those of us who can’t make it to the workshops?


  7. Mary says:

    Hi Lynn – I saw that I need to bring a pasta machine for the 2020 Santa Fe classes – will there be any to borrow? – coming from overseas and need to watch my luggage weights – thx


  8. Pingback: Picasso Inspired Portraits in Polymer – Tallahassee Polymer Clay Art Guild

  9. Marijke says:

    Love the look of the workshops, but living in Australia, and covic lockdown I will not be going further than the local park. So yes please online tutorials would be great go keep the spirits up, cheers marijke


  10. Pingback: Same but Different | The Weekly Polymer Arts Blog

  11. kathleen says:

    none of your fotos download on either of my computers…any suggestions?


  12. Ann Z says:

    Hello — I totally love your work. But I don’t see anyway to purchase it. Am I missing something obvious? Like right in front of my nose? Or maybe you teach only and not sell?

    A great lover of Kandinsky I really covet those pieces I see on your website. You have quite a fan club. I hope you will add me to it!


    • Hello Ann – no you are not missing anything! I normal sell when I teach classes. While I have learned to teach on-line, I have not put together a shop on-line. It is on my To-Do list!! Thank you so much for your interest. I really do appreciate your support!! Happy Holidays!!


  13. Joan Eisenstodt says:

    Dear Lynn – having loved your work via IG, I would like to purchase some of the pieces you have offered for sale. How do I do so? – Thanks. – Joan


  14. vrjewell says:

    Lynn, I am watching the recording from FSG demo and my question is do you have any Florida classes in the near future.


  15. Penny Weissman says:

    Hi Lynn! I absolutely love your leaf series and wonder if you have any for sale. I especially love series 13, as it features lots of blue and purple, my favorite combination of colors. My daughter lives in Miami, and I also wonder if you work is available in any stores there. Thanks! Penny


  16. Linda Taylor says:

    Hi Lynn!
    I just took the wonderful Modrian Lariats workshop at Bead Fest.
    You’re an excellent instructor and I wonder if you offer any workshops virtually.
    Thank you for de-mystifying polymer clay and canes a bit to this 100% newbie.


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