An Epiphany

So the word epiphany sounds like something really big changed, . . . . . there was a paradigm shift. All big words, indicating big things.  But no, it was just a little nudge . . .  in the right direction. But could it have more meaning?

The end of the year comes with reviews, resolutions for the new year, plans and renewal of commitments. There are blogs, websites, and podcasts all dedicated to this topic. We get all pumped up, reach for the stars and convince ourselves that this year will be different! A couple of months (more or less) into the new year . . .  we back slide . . . . we are disappointed that a miracle of change hasn’t occurred . . . . or we beat ourselves up thinking we just need to work harder! 

But what if we make our goals, intentions, or objectives more attainable. What if we listen to the old adage – How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!

So I was working on my journal for 2019. I have been creating an annual journal since 2012, but skipped 2018.  I missed having that evening ritual . . .  what happened that particular day that made it special . . . documenting events that occurred . . . . doodling . . . . painting . . . . . or whatever. Vowing to start again in 2019, I began pulling papers together for a new journal.

Twelve signatures of various papers. Done.  Some plain, some with a little paint, some fully painted, some purchased, and some found ephemera. An array of perfect backgrounds. My favorite ‘found’ paper was a roll from Ikea for coloring in the kids section (see the far left signature above). I love the quirky drawings.

But I got stuck on the outside (of all things, right?) The outside makes a statement. So many options. After grinding on this a few days, I had that little epiphany . . . . make a journal for the first quarter . . . . . or even just the first month. Take your first bite out of the elephant!! 

I happened to have some book covers that I modified for journals leftover from a class I taught last April.

I found one I liked and it fit the papers I had selected . . . things started to come together. It was like it was meant to be! Two signatures will be bound in and we are off and running!!

It doesn’t seem like much of an epiphany, but for me it was a little shift in my thinking. Regardless of your goals, resolutions, or intentions for the year . . . .  be kind to yourself . . . .  take little bites. 

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5 Responses to An Epiphany

  1. Elizabeth Del Monte says:

    Loved the post Lynn. Very true. I’m getting inspired to do one for 2019 since it is going to be a fabulous year full of new adventures. Don’t think I will go all the way like you, but just a simple journal will do. The content is what it is important!


  2. Katharina says:

    You are soooo wise for being so young


  3. Jocelyn says:

    I would like to start an art journal in 2019; not all days are art joUrnaling days. What do you journal in and what do you do if what you have journaled just looks bad as I am not necessarily a great calligrapher.


    • Hi Jocelyn! I so encourage you to journal! Purchase a journal and just start. It is for you and you alone, no judgement here. Doodle, write something about the day that made you smile, or glue in a movie ticket stub and how you liked it! It will evolve with you if you let it! I also find it very relaxing!!


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